SCFA sent EVC Kletzer the following letter on August 11, 2022, about teaching accommodations for instructors with immuno-compromised household members. If you haven’t already, please let us know if this or similar issues are of concern to you.
On September 1, 2022 CPEVC Kletzer announced that they have agreed to our suggestion. We are grateful to the SCFA members who brought this issue to our attention, to the Senate committee chairs (CEP, CCI, and GC) who consulted with the administration on this issue, and to the administration for implementing the change.
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori G. Kletzer
UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, Ca 95064
Dear Lori:
We’ve received questions from SCFA members about the campus process for faculty requesting remote instruction. We understand that the disability accommodation process continues and that instructors with health challenges have a process for requesting remote teaching options.
The problem, which may be very limited in scope, is how to institute the same remote instruction planning process for instructors with immuno-compromised household members, now that the adjustment offered during the past year is no longer in effect. It appears that (as with other Covid accommodations) awareness of this policy change, along with the announcement itself, has not been uniform across campus. While the changed circumstances of F22 instruction are not unanticipated, it would help to give departments more time to adjust to the process of requesting online instruction by extending the recent policy until the start of the winter quarter. We are all still figuring out the precise amount of advance planning adequate to this state of the pandemic.
We appreciate your flexibility in considering this request and look forward to your response.
Deborah Gould and Steven McKay, Co-chairs
On behalf of the SCFA Executive Committee
cc: Senate Chair Patty Gallagher
CEP Chair Tanner Wouldgo
UCSC Academic Senate Faculty