Upcoming meetings: Our Winter meetings are Monday, January 22nd and Monday, February 26th from 4:30-5:30pm in the Charles E. Merrill Lounge. We hope to see you there!
Join a committee: Members are encouraged to participate in either one of our standing committees (Organizing and Membership; Communications; Labor Relations, Bargaining and Grievances; Solidarity and Alliances) or a temporary committee to focus on one of our action areas for the coming year. You can join by coming to a meeting or emailing scfa.assist@gmail.com.
Become a department contact: We’re developing a network of department contact people for communication between departments and SCFA—if you are available to be one of them, please let us know: scfa.assist@gmail.com
Tell us what is on your mind: We are always interested in hearing from faculty about the issues that matter to you. You can let us know what you are thinking about by filling out this one question google form. You can also write directly to Susan Gillman, chair of the SCFA Communications committee, with individual questions on anything involving our working conditions as faculty.