An Independent Senate Faculty Union
An Independent Senate Faculty Union
* How much will it cost to restore public higher education in 2012-13 (updated with January 2013 state budget data)
Raising revenue has become such a taboo subject in California politics, but restoring quality public higher education in California can be done. For the median California tax return (individual or joint), restoring the entire system while rolling back student fees…
* Professors, not UC, own their lectures (2000 legislation co-sponsored by CUCFA/CFA)
In 2000 CUCFA and the CFA (the labor union representing the CSU faculty) successfully co-sponsored legislation that specifies that individual professors, not UC, own their lectures, which is very important now as UC tries to move lectures to the web. (CHAPTER 6.5. UNAUTHORIZED RECORDING,…
* Online Education in the Media – January 2013
* Concerns re: open access to publications policy
Chris M. Kelty Chair, University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communications January 10, 2013 Dear Professor Kelty, We write to you on behalf of the Berkeley Faculty Association to express our concern that the proposed policy to expand open access…
UC’s Management Continues its Super-Sized Growth by Charles Schwartz, UC Berkeley It has been two years since my last presentation of data on the bloated growth of management at the University of California, covering the span 1991-2010. (See the post…
* SCFA Grants Program Award Recipients
This fall the Santa Cruz Faculty Association chose recipients from among a strong pool of applications for its second annual program of small grants—ranging from $1500 to $10,000—for projects led by Academic Senate faculty at UC Santa Cruz. The mission…
* SCFA Annual Meeting and Brunch
SCFA Annual Meeting and Brunch Upcoming Events SCFA Brunch Greetings! We are writing to invite you to join other members and the Board for Brunch on Oct 7, 2012, at the home of Shelly Errington, 323 Rigg Street Santa Cruz.…
A Small Grant Program for UCSC Senate Faculty from the Santa Cruz Faculty Association The Santa Cruz Faculty Association announces a program of small grants—ranging from $1500 to $10,000—for projects led by Academic Senate faculty at UC Santa Cruz. …