SCFA understands that our work conditions are deeply connected to those of other UC workers. The entire campus suffers when our co-workers are underpaid, overworked, or struggling to afford housing that is a sustainable distance from campus. We support our sibling unions’ organizing efforts and actively participate in the UCSC coalition of unions (ULU).
- SCFA solidarity with UPTE/AFSCME strikesAFSCME 3299 and UPTE are going on strike this week in response to unfair labor practices by the UC. These two unions represent over 57,000 critical frontline workers in the UC system, including dining, custodial, transit, and grounds workers (AFSCME)… Read more: SCFA solidarity with UPTE/AFSCME strikes
- UAW strike and faculty rightsDuring the Spring 2024 UAW ULP strike, SCFA continued to provide critical information to faculty members. On May 3, following the UAW’s call for a strike authorization vote, we emphasized that faculty should not be expected to do the work… Read more: UAW strike and faculty rights
- May day messageHappy May Day! The Executive Board of SCFA sends you greetings and solidarity in advance of this international workers’ day. We write to encourage faculty to attend tomorrow’s May Day rally in solidarity with the Palestine General Federation of Trade… Read more: May day message
- Joint union message to UCSC Labor Relations re: Fall gradesDear Devan Desai, We write, collectively, as representatives of UAW 2865, UC-AFT, and SCFA. Due to the UAW’s strike over UC’s unfair labor practices during contract negotiations, a significant amount of the labor required to complete Fall 2022 grade submission… Read more: Joint union message to UCSC Labor Relations re: Fall grades
- SCFA Message on Grades and Struck WorkDecember 2, 2022 As we near the end of the fall quarter without a resolution between two striking units (UAW 2865 and UAW SRU) and UCOP, SCFA wants to acknowledge that instructional faculty who started the quarter with TAs or… Read more: SCFA Message on Grades and Struck Work
- Further clarifications on faculty rights in the UAW strikeNovember 13, 2022 SCFA is sharing important clarifications that CUCFA has issued to their FAQ in response to confusions arising from the November 10 communication from Academic Council Chair Cochrane and Vice Chair Steintrager. We appreciate the efforts to remind… Read more: Further clarifications on faculty rights in the UAW strike
- UC Faculty Associations’ letter to President Drake about Senate Faculty Support of UAW-2865, UAW-5810, and SRU-UAWNovember 11, 2022 President Michael V. Drake Office of the President University of California 1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor Oakland, CA 94607 Delivered via Email to: Dear President Drake, We are again writing to you as the leadership of… Read more: UC Faculty Associations’ letter to President Drake about Senate Faculty Support of UAW-2865, UAW-5810, and SRU-UAW
- CUCFA and UAW virtual town hall – November 11, 2022CUCFA and UAW virtual town hall Friday, November 11, 4-5 pm, Please pre-register for this event: Dear Colleagues, The Academic Student Employees, Postdocs, Academic Researchers, and Student Researchers plan to begin striking this coming Monday, November 14th. The… Read more: CUCFA and UAW virtual town hall – November 11, 2022
- FAQs for Senate Faculty about Possible Strike by UAW-2865, UAW-5810, and SRU-UAWOn November 14th, tens of thousands of academic workers represented by UAW 2865 (the Union of Academic Student Employees at UC), UAW 5810 (Postdocs and Academic Researchers), and SRU-UAW (Student Researchers) will begin striking to resolve Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs).… Read more: FAQs for Senate Faculty about Possible Strike by UAW-2865, UAW-5810, and SRU-UAW
- * Fall 2021-2022 ReopeningPlease see the below letter to EVC Kletzer about fall teaching, sent jointly by SCFA, UC-AFT (the lecturers’ union), and UAW 2865 (the TA’s union). Linked here is the Senate Executive Committee’s letter on this topic, which we echo in… Read more: * Fall 2021-2022 Reopening
- Support ALL Faculty at UC: February 26th, 2021As many of you know, our lecturer colleagues—who teach over 30% of undergraduate student credit hours on this campus—have been bargaining for a new contract with UC for almost two years, and they have been working without a contract for more… Read more: Support ALL Faculty at UC: February 26th, 2021
- CUCFA’s Letter to UCSC Chancellor Larive about Carlos Cruz’ suspensionUpdate 2/19/21 – The SCFA is pleased to announce that the university has withdrawn the suspension of Carlos Cruz, a position supported by SCFA and Faculty Associations from across the University of California: ——————————————————– December 6, 2020 Dear Chancellor… Read more: CUCFA’s Letter to UCSC Chancellor Larive about Carlos Cruz’ suspension
- * SCFA’s request to bargain – 2/18/20As the exclusive senate-faculty bargaining unit at UCSC, the SCFA is empowered to bargain with the administration over terms and conditions of senate-faculty employment at UCSC (not including system-wide matters). On February 18, the SCFA delivered a request to bargain… Read more: * SCFA’s request to bargain – 2/18/20
- * CUCFA’s letter to President Napolitano regarding UC’s Cost of Living Crisis at UCSC and Across the SystemThe Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA), the coordinating and service agency for the individual Faculty Associations — associations of UC Senate faculty — on the separate campuses of the University of California. Below please find a letter that CUCFA… Read more: * CUCFA’s letter to President Napolitano regarding UC’s Cost of Living Crisis at UCSC and Across the System
- * Faculty Rights and Responsibilities During Student StrikeThe SCFA Executive Board sent the following message to all Senate faculty on February 7, 2020 in response to the announcement that the graduate students would begin an open-ended strike on Monday, February 10, 2020. Dear Colleagues, Faculty members… Read more: * Faculty Rights and Responsibilities During Student Strike
- *Joint letter from SCFA/SEC to the UCSC AdministrationPosted below is the letter sent jointly by the Senate Executive Committee and SCFA’s Executive Board to Chancellor Larive and iEVC/CP Kletzer on January 21, 2020. ——————————————————— January 21, 2020 Dear Cindy and Lori, The UAW letter to UCOP from… Read more: *Joint letter from SCFA/SEC to the UCSC Administration
- * Letter to Systemwide Labor Relations concerning SCFA’s support for negotiations with UAWThe SCFA sent the following letter to the systemwide Labor Relation’s Executive Director at UCOP on January 17, 2020, supporting the negotiations between the administration and UAW for the graduate students. —————————————————– Peter Chester Executive Director, Labor Relations University of… Read more: * Letter to Systemwide Labor Relations concerning SCFA’s support for negotiations with UAW
- SCFA General Meeting, 1/13/20 from 5-7, Humanities 1, Room 202Last quarter the SCFA executive board issued public statements supporting a COLA for graduate students and outlining our understanding of faculty obligations during the grade strike. Those communications followed extensive consultation with SCFA’s lawyers. We have since met with the… Read more: SCFA General Meeting, 1/13/20 from 5-7, Humanities 1, Room 202
- * FAQ for Faculty during the Graduate Student Grade StrikeDecember 13, 2019 Dear Colleagues, The Santa Cruz Faculty Association (SCFA) continues to support our graduate students’ demand for a COLA to deal with high costs in Santa Cruz. Now that graduate students are involved in a grade strike, faculty… Read more: * FAQ for Faculty during the Graduate Student Grade Strike
- * SCFA Solidarity with Graduate StudentsThe SCFA sent the following message to faculty on 12/11/19: Dear Colleagues, The Santa Cruz Faculty Association (SCFA) supports the graduate students’ demand for a COLA to deal with the extreme rent burden they face living in Santa Cruz.… Read more: * SCFA Solidarity with Graduate Students
- * Resolution in Support of LecturersUpdate: Success! A group of SCFA members brought a resolution to the UCSC Academic Senate, on November 15, 2019, in support of the impending negotiations between AFT-represented lecturers and the University of California. The faculty voted for the resolution almost… Read more: * Resolution in Support of Lecturers
- * Paid Family Leave for UC EmployeesThe Council of UC Faculty Associations’ board has just signed on to a proposal to provide paid family leave to all who work at the University of California. Most working residents of California have access to financial support for pregnancy,… Read more: * Paid Family Leave for UC Employees
- * CA-AAUP and CUCFA Issue Joint Statement in Support of UC WorkersThe executive board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) joins the executive board of the California Conference of the American Association of University Professors to express unconditional support for the just demands of our colleagues and friends of… Read more: * CA-AAUP and CUCFA Issue Joint Statement in Support of UC Workers
- * Joint Statement with AAUP in support of Academic Freedom for LibrariansAugust 18, 2018 President Janet Napolitano University of California 1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor Oakland, CA 94607 Email: Joint statement by CUCFA and CA-AAUP: On July 26, 2018 UC negotiators rejected a proposal by the UC-AFT Unit 17 that… Read more: * Joint Statement with AAUP in support of Academic Freedom for Librarians